We are excited to announce the 3PO Lunchtime Talks, a series of short sessions diving into our project. From May to July 2024, the REPHRAIN network will be hosting the sessions via Zoom.
Session 1:
Managerial Strategies in Policing and the Potentials for a Lens of Care
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Dr. Yen Nee Wong
Thursday, May 16th, 1.00-1.30pm
The online space opens up a new set of risks and challenges for police professionals, calling for the need to identify effective organisational and managerial strategies that can protect officers and staff from emerging harms. Online engagement, such as through social media platforms, further increases the visibility of police personnel within the communities in which they operate, exposing them to increased levels of online targeting and abuse. This session examines the negative online experiences of police personnel and the managerial strategies constructed to mitigate and prevent officers and staff from online risks and harms. We question the extent to which a lens of care can contribute towards more effective wellbeing support for police personnel and its potential for preventing and addressing the negative consequences of online participation.
Session 2:
How Children of Police Officers and Staff Keep Safe Online
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Dr. Lasara Kariyawasam
Thursday, June 13th, 1.00-1.30pm
Children of police officers and staff face a unique set of challenges due to their parents’ policing profession and negative views towards police held in parts of society. The negative attention given to police personnel as a group has increased in recent years. This is due to the advances in technology and the ease of filming police actions of alleged, perceived, or actual misconduct that are widespread on the internet and social media platforms, as well as the ease with which hate-filled messages of any type can spread online. Therefore, it is speculated that children, especially teenagers and young people, are at risk of receiving hate both online and in person. However, there is little to no research investigating the experiences of police officers' children. This session will discuss the online experiences of teenage children of police officers and staff, with a specific focus on how they keep safe online and the potential risky behaviours they engage in.
Session 3:
Co-designing a Privacy Tool for Police Personnel and their Families
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Dr. Marcel Obst
Thursday, July 11th, 1.00-1.30pm
3PO seeks to build technological solutions to mitigate online harms experienced by police personnel and their families. We have done extensive research with police partners, running demonstrator sessions to discuss potential technological solutions. Our findings show strong support for a tool that can help users understand their social media privacy settings. We are therefore developing a Self-Assessment Tool that offers a guided journey through users’ privacy settings, acting as a learning platform to enhance awareness of their online presence. This session will showcase some of our findings, demonstrate a tool prototype, and offer some time for discussion.