The 3PO team attended the 'All Hands Meeting' hosted by the National Research Centre on Privacy, Harm Reduction, and Adversarial Influence Online (REPHRAIN) at the University of Bath on September 15th and 16th 2022.
Taking Situation-Based Privacy Decisions: Privacy Assistants Working with Humans, Introduction to PeaceTech in Action, and Protecting Online Privacy When Going Through Serious Life Events were some of the topics discussed in the lectures.
An interactive discussion on the priority areas for research and the scope of the upcoming Strategic Funding Call Discussions have centred on topics that the REPHRAIN initiatives have already addressed and what gaps need to be filled.
Additionally, one of the sessions looked at the difficulties in conducting research on online violence against women and girls. An interactive chance to offer suggestions and opinions that will be taken into account during a subsequent meeting with regulators in this area.
REPHRAIN Centre combines world-leading experts from the Universities of Bristol, Edinburgh, Bath, King's and UCL and has the overall goal to develop and apply scientific expertise so that everyone can benefit from the advantages of a digital society in a safe and secure manner.