3PO Project members attended the REPHRAIN Showcase on January 19th and 20th. 3PO is a member of the REPHRAIN network and used this opportunity to showcase the project as well as build links with other members of the REPHRAIN network.
The project was presented by Dr. Marcel Obst and Dr. Kris Christmann, members of the 3PO Project. "We were able to provide an overview of the project, including some preliminary findings, as well as details about the exciting technological outputs on which we are presently working. Audience members inquired about the applicability of our findings to other public-facing professionals and offered suggestions for how the resources that we develop can be used in the training of new officers", Dr. Obst stated.
The open showcase involved presentations from REPHRAIN researchers, workshops, and discussions involving our external partners—a whole range of activities to provide our researchers and the wider community the platform to exhibit and celebrate their excellent work and the progress we’ve made as a centre.
REPHRAIN has a summary and complete list of presentations from the day here. 3PO are very much looking forward to attending future REPHRAIN events.