Welcome to the latest edition of the 3PO Newsletter.
At our consortium meeting at UCL last month, we marked one year since the 3PO project kicked off in earnest.
The preceding 12 months have been busy - we have sought to build and strengthen our internal and external partnerships through regular meetings of the consortium (in Sheffield, Cambridge, and UCL respectively) to presentations at the REPHRAIN All Hands meeting as well as participating in key conferences including the Security and Policing event in Farnborough. We were also delighted to share our first blog post by Dr Marcel Obst, Research Fellow at CENTRIC.
Each of the seven work packages have been busy undertaking key elements of fieldwork and we are delighted that we will soon be sharing emergent findings in the first of our Briefing Series.
This issue also includes a 'Think Piece' - "What Drives Perpetrators of Online Harm".
We thank you all for your continued support and input into 3PO and we are looking forward to sharing findings, recommendations, and tips as we go into year two of the 3PO Project.
Click here for the full version of the 3PO newsletter #2.