3PO - or Protecting Public-facing Professionals and their Dependents Online - is a UKRI funded project.
It is part of the REPHRAIN network, which is a Research Centre of Excellence focused on the protection of citizens online. In this context, 3PO takes the unusual and pioneering step to re-focus the theme of protecting citizens online to the law enforcement domain.
It combines five renowned universities and related research centres (CENTRIC/Sheffield Hallam University, University College London, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and Edinburgh Napier University/SIPR) with police forces and Home Office as active partners.
Aims & Objectives
The 3PO project aims to fill the theoretical and application gaps in knowledge about the protection of citizens online by focusing on police officers as public-facing professionals (i.e., citizens with professional roles that are conducted under the public’s eye, short: LPFPs). The focus is on the impact of peoples' professional roles for their personal, private lives online.
3PO involves stakeholders from many different areas of work and academic disciplines. Each newsletter will introduce a different sub-section of the many people involved in and dedicated to this project.
Click here for the full version of the first 3PO newsletter.